Ashley Kuperc L.Ac.

Owner of East Acupuncture Wellness Boutique

Intro to Acupuncture and Fertility for Male and Female Patients

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At East Acupuncture Wellness Boutique we work with women and men who are having trouble conceiving, experiencing unexplained infertility or have been diagnosed with conditions impacting their reproductive health. Acupuncture is one of the tools under the umbrella of Chinese medicine and we utilize not only Acupuncture but herbal medicine, nutrition, lifestyle recommendations, lab testing and education to customize fertility treatment plans for every stage of your journey towards parenthood. Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture have been used for thousands of years as a treatment for infertility and we have been very successful in helping people achieve their fertility goals. Acupuncture can be considered as successful treatment in restoring fertility as there are a lot of different ways that acupuncture can help, including increased circulation to the ovaries, regulating menstrual cycle, improving sperm count and mobility, stress regulation, and help with anxiety are only some of the benefits of treatment.

One of the beautiful aspects of this medicine is that it is very individualized. Ten women can come in for the same issue, and all get different treatment plans based on their individual constitution and presenting patterns. And one of the added benefits is that while working on fertility, we are helping your body achieve balance so we can work on many different imbalances at the same time including sleep quality, digestive health, pain, etc so that you experience overall wellness!

So many people are used to their period being painful or too short or long, or experience lots of pms symptoms. Although this is common, it is not something you have to live with as Acupuncture can help remedy your symptoms without prescription drugs. We are also not just working on the symptoms, but the root cause as acupuncture works with the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Research has further shown that acupuncture increases blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, promoting the quality and quantity of ovarian follicles. Acupuncture can also help with uterine lining, implantation, relieving inflammation, and correcting hormonal imbalances.

Whether you have been diagnosed with PCOS, endometriosis, low ovarian reserve, We’re here to help you reach your fertility potential, and help you become a parent.

You can expect to feel empowered by taking steps to a healthier, more balanced you! You can also expect to feel relaxed. One of the best parts, in my opinion (besides the scientific factors of acupuncture), is the feeling of serenity that comes along with regular acupuncture treatments. And we don’t just treat women, as men have just as much of a role in fertility as women do! Research shows that acupuncture and herbal medicine can help sperm count, morphology, and motility, meaning it helps sperm become better swimmers, improves their shape, and increases their number! Research has also shown that acupuncture and herbal medicine can help treat hormonal imbalances in men, such as low testosterone. It also relieves stress and anxiety that can weigh on both parties and high-stress levels impact hormones drastically.

Where to Begin?

The best time to start fertility treatment through acupuncture and herbal medicine would be three months before trying to conceive as it takes around 90 days for both an egg (ovum) and a sperm to mature. However it’s never too late to start! We encourage women who have been trying to conceive or are scheduled for IVF cycle to come in as well and see what we have to offer. We can help maximize your chances of success and make the process easier, emotionally and physically.

Pregnancy and Acupuncture

Whether you’re in the early stages of your pregnancy or have gone past your due date and trying to induce labor, we work with many to help make your pregnancy as smooth and enjoyable an experience as possible. The first trimester is a time when the body undergoes many changes and we can help with the symptoms that arise such as fatigue, nausea, anxiety all while working on the baby’s health as well. With women who have experienced miscarriages, Acupuncture, supplements, moxibustion and diet can be used to correct imbalances which can cause recurrent miscarriage. Once women are in their second and third trimester we can help with any symptoms that arise such as heartburn, hip pain, insomnia, carpal tunnel, digestive issues, etc., keeping mom and baby healthy and balanced throughout the pregnancy. Acupuncture has also been researched and we have great success in helping ensure babies are in the right position and can help turn babies if they are breech. We specialize in helping people fulfill their dream of a healthy, full-term pregnancy from infertility treatment to complete pregnancy care.

How long should I seek acupuncture treatment for fertility?

It varies from person to person, as our treatments are very individualized. We have people who have been trying for months or years with no success who will conceive after a few sessions. I usually like to see patients for 3-6 months to correct any underlying imbalances and help achieve pregnancy. That may look like once a week, or sometimes once every other week. Making at least a three-month commitment allows us to promote better quality follicles forming and increase blood flow to the uterus. For men, a three-month commitment will give us the time to improve sperm count, motility, and morphology, also allowing us to treat any issues with low testosterone.

Where are the acupuncture points for fertility treatment? Does it change?

There are over 365 acupuncture points on the body that are used in Chinese medicine, each point located along a channel associated with an organ and each point with specific functions. The acupuncture points for fertility treatments are all over the body. Some local points along the abdomen are beneficial in promoting blood flow to the uterus, around where the follicles are located, even reaching the ovaries. But there are also points on your legs that reach the genitalia, and points from head to toe that can correct the individualized imbalances. Acupuncture points are also selected differently for the different parts of your cycle as there are different emphasis and strategies pre and post ovulation as well as for the different parts of an IVF cycle, ie egg retrievals and embryo transfers. The points will change, but there will always be stress or anxiety-relieving points that are always beneficial for any patient.

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